Sunday 4 October 2009

Concept art for the other areas

So I've changed my main char from an ex military type figure to an average guy whos caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and is thrown into this post apocalyptic type game.

The idea is the volcanos thick dense ash has made all the satellites in the world pretty much useless so countrys are cut off from each other, thus they cannot work together to save the planet from mother nature herself. To get over this they need to reconnect and reuse all the old communication systems (internet lines, phone and radio towers etc) pretty much the technology we are still using today.

The main character you play is an engineer with an average 9-5 job who is approached and hired by the Mercury corporation who is a team of lead engineers who have all the blueprints and scans which pinpoint how the old technology exactly works and where the main systems are throughout the planet. Your task is to be sent around the planet and reestablish communcation via these methods despite you never having done anything like this before (Half Life style)

As i was going to create the London area in unreal i still wanted to develop concept art for the other enviroments you would visit throughout Tephra so i have made one quite detailed image which would be somewhere in North America close to where the volcano had erupted.

So this would explain the fires around, however this would also be from the bandits who are taking advantage of the situation and looting what they can.
This picture took me days so although i wanted to do at least one for each zone its going to be a while before i attempt another area.

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