Tuesday 27 April 2010

Just a note!

I wrote down a few weeks ago i wanted to stop drawing in april which left me a few weeks to tidy up my current maps and the document aswell as making a possible video

Ive completed all the guns/enviroments i intended to draw which took me a lot longer than expected, i want to draw a few characters and enemies with the remaining 3 days of April which means ill probably end up with not as many as id have liked but still thats all i have left in the way of drawings to do

The document is around 11k words and will grow a little with the characters/bios after that it will just need some sorting out i think

I did want to have a map made in Crysis but ive broke sandbox and ive reinstalled it like 5 times and reinstalled my graphics card drivers a few times..and its still broke i dunno whats happened but i dont think im going to fix it until i reinstall windows..which im not prepared to do with 3 weeks till the deadline, however i had been messing around with the UDK a few months ago and with my own tree made in speedtree and a few days playing around with the terrain editor and such i had this:

i was making a dark looking gothic castle portfolio piece (yeah i know its not very dark ive just put 1 directional bright light in for now) and just messing around spamming my tree, however if i make a few more of my own trees and remove the castle, add a few more waterfalls, also the latest UDK build comes with a jungle looking map i might be able to make something a bit rainforest looking which could be substituted instead of my crysis map, i dont think it will be very big but its better than nothing.

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