Friday 9 April 2010

A little more nuts

I've only drawn 2 experimental ones but im sure i could really expand on this catergory if i had the time

this could have a whole host of weapons as i mentioned elsewhere about things that would affect the nervous system/brain and have people start going insane killing each other or affecting the lungs making them unable to run..or barely walk this could come from special ammo or special guns

the 2 ive drawn here, the Rail gun i took the idea from Red Faction and would have the same ability of being able to fire a high powered shot through a wall, possibly a laser of some sort as i think "energy weapons" would becoming quite popular by this time, which leads to the 2nd gun which is really just a flamethrower but has the ability to fire compressed energy into a flame of some sort instead of just fuel

There would be a whole host of these as i said but they will be quite hard to come by and ammo would be really limited as going through the game with these weapons from the start would trivilaze the entire game

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