Thursday 21 January 2010

All i do is work...god damn

Barely sleeping! Unreal is so time consuming, when that useless dissertations out the way i should be able to chill out a little as i can focus most of my efforts aimed at this

Im starting to wish i could work on another part of this but as its the presentation shortly i need something to actually show instead of making it up as i go so ive had to push on in unreal despite the fact im slowly going mad

Anyywway, after trying about 5 grass textures, trying some more advanced options in the material to get the grass to appear wet and rain hitting it..well i failed, the grass is better than the last one..looks quite realistic in the game, i had some that looked like cress and didnt take to being flattened too well but i think this ones the winner, however im not entirely happy with the material as of yet and dont even get me started on shadows.

Zoom out a bit to take in the lovely view of....a tiled rain mesh, that needs changing but in terms of the atmosphere i think its looking quite good, i think im going to need to add a very dim skylight back in at some point as where theres no light its just completely black and that isnt too accurate when u look up and see a dark blue/red sky, perhaps increasing the heightfog will work but i dont want to completely hide it and just up to see black, having pitch black areas might be realistic but ive spent hundreds of hours on this map and id like it to be seen even if its dark!

I got quite attached to that custom grass, ideally id have used a different engine, theres no way id have enough time to make all my own meshes even if i knew what to do before we started and other games would handle grass/this sort of map much better.

But that doesnt stop me making more custom materials, im learning what each thing does in the material editor..bit by bit and im screwing up less and getting some interesting results, but what this dark gritty abandoned city needs graffiti!

I probably wont keep it there but u need to apply custom materials to somewhere in your map otherwise it just deletes them which is just a pain but i think it looks quite good i added the brick texture myself within the material editor so it looks like its actually painted on the bricks and not just a flat panel in front. Ill probably do quite a few more of these and signs and perhaps windows/other bricks just to bring the game up to a more realistic tone if possible.

I probably wont add anything else now till after monday ill probably be hanging somewhere due to my shadows not working

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