Tuesday 19 January 2010

Definite Progress!

Staring to come together i think, joining up some of my buildings so it doesnt look too square with boring evenly spaced alleyways and i think its working out.
I changed the cinema..i dont even know why i call it a cinema it doesnt really look like how i imagined it but whatever, i made it a bit taller and changed some trim around so i could join it up to the building next door and the 2nd floor would be the same level, might still add another level to this building but that doesnt matter for now it does look neater now however.

Back over the other side near the delivery area ive added another building to the side of the last one i was working on, its getting quite hard to make things still look different without totally screwing everything up but i think this one works out ok as ive applied some stone trim over the windows which make them look different to them used elsewhere while still fitting in well.

Back over at the "cinema" i tidied up the crossing, i also tidied up the rooftop making the surface flat and adding all the trim, if i include ladders in the game the roof tops should be accessible due to how ive made them, i could also add planks of wood that the bandits used to cross to other buildings if they are not joined at the base.

And back over at my stone building, you know i could have organised these pictures better but its too lateeee! (its not i cant be bothered) we now have a fence in seperating the warehouse from the stone building i recently added, the hole in the fence is just the right size for the player to crouch through making it another passage, this is exactly what i wanted an open world but i want the player to find different routes around the enviroment instead of being forced into a linear path. Can also see ive added some trim on the floor which seperates the delivery bays and makes the world a bit less plain and boring.

This is round the corner from the stone building above, i spent many hours thinking how i could add some shape to the buildings and this is what i came up with, extending a previous building and adding some more upper floors angled and different to the ground floor it adds shape and depth instead of everything being flat but its most time consuming trying to tidy everything up and make it work

Hooray lets add my 1 rain mesh, and now it looks better still, im actually starting to like the look of my map even tho theres no lighting...its not going to look any worse when i add lighting so its a good sign, shame its already taking quite a while to build and it previews like crap even in 800x600 i think i have issues with the draw distance of my grass in the park area, but thats for later on.

Spooky alleyway!, stick a barrel in on fire and a tramp to jump out the door at me and id have a winner, but the tramps probably not happening, it should look quite good in the dark with a fire emitter however!

This is just a view from another side of the building above, not entirely sure if its gonna stay like this but i thought id add the meshes and see how the area looks, i think it could work but the base still needs work and i need to tidied it all up so the alleyway..is an alleyway..and not an odd shaped space where i messed up my measurements

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