Sunday 9 May 2010

Well it crashed once..but its still nice

Ive carried on adding grass and foliage and changed the colour to green things up a bit, who know i might keep this tone, anyway ive added about 1100 clumps of grass..which sounds a lot but compared to the 5000-6000 for foliage layers/factorys for the same effect its not too bad, however the meshes were made for a bit of a tech demo so in conclusion they are way too detailed compared to normal unreal meshes and end result is im struggling to pull about 30fps in this shot which although would be fine for a prototype/demo thing id be taking shots of, if i intend to record a video im going to need a bit more framerate

This is where i had them weird bumpy cliffs i wasnt too happy with so ive turned it into a canyon type thing with another path of water leading in with some small sections where it would look like you would be able to acces (on the left) if id made the map big enough..this is still new so i may change it a little or at least break it up with some greenery but its an improvement and hasnt hurt the framerate too much

This area doesnt look too bad with the new colour scheme although with the heightfog i now have a plain blue sky which makes some reflections look a little weird but im not sure what to do with that yet.
However i decided to abuse water again in this part of my map as it should save me a couple of hundred grass meshes as i can just have another "pond" type thing, it might not be like this if the game was proper but for a prototype i think its the best i can do

This is just another shot showing the new colours and the depth of field effects near the work in progress pond!..and it appears ill be back to manually placing grass again soon yay

Here is the new water section, its still quite bare round the edges as ive only just made it, i like it but its higher than the rest of the water in the area, the idea is to have a tiny 4-5 feet mini waterfall streaming into the main pool of water but end result is the heightfog doesnt reach so the waters not as blue, ill see what i can do about this over the next few days

Another angled shot of the pond with a few more details, im much happier with the pp effect anyway

Im getting into these arty shots showing off depth of field but its taken from the players height so this is quite an accurate view of what you would actually see in game, maybe id add more foliage over the next week or however long i plan to spend on it im not sure ive got my fps back up to 45-50 which gives me some room to drop when recording but in total its still around 5.3 million triangles and theres a lot of empty places left.

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