Wednesday 5 May 2010

Friendly NPCs!

So these are a few of the key people throughout the Mercury corporation/the owners/vendors/trainers etc. There would be other people throughout the building in the proper game but they would play minor roles and not worth the hours it takes me to draw a char (badly)

In the document i can give more information about them in bio sections but for the blog a brief outline

Robert Peterson - been working in this field all his life, used to work for nanotech corporation, runs mercury corporation

would be the person to go to in the main office in the hub and get more information about the game, the current state of the planet and what objectives to carry out.

David, is Roberts grandson and took a keen interest in the whole computer/satellite/communcation due to his grandfathers jobs over the course of his life. David would usually be found

Wouldnt be as well informed about the current situation but would be able to help you around the warehouse, tell you whats what and who to see for specific items, may also offer help in smaller less relevant missions but would be found in the main office near his grandfather usually.

Thomas followed Robert to Mercury corporation after spending the last 20 years at nanotech, spends all his time inventing gadgets, tweaking things and is the man to see about your pda device. would give you a tutorial how to use the custom firmware which he installs onto your personal device and would always be around to offer advice, help when u unlock new features and need a quick tutorial

Michael would be an ex gym owner/perhaps military whos been put out of work with all this happening so offers his expertise in fitness to the corporation by giving new rookies a quick work out to prepare them for heading out into the wild, Michael would run you through the controls and the start tutorial, he also would give you some weapon training in the outdoor areas and you would be able to go back to him whenver in the game for special training/tutorials in these fields.

BETA is Thomas' creation, one of his gadgets, BETA is fully programmable and self learning, hes left to his own devices in the equipment room and is usually fiddling with upgrading guns which is his speciality, BETA would show tutorials on how to upgrade weapons and would carry them out for you for free if you return to him later on with the right parts, hes also next to the computer terminal that acts as a vendor and he would give you a quick outline of his this works too whenever you want to know

BETA would also be heavily armed so trying to steal anything or if attackers entered the building he would go into full attack mode and wipe out most threats with ease

These are the main npcs in the Mercury corporation, i think these are enough to demonstrate how the place would be, as i said there would be less important people around but these are the key ones.

NExt up ill either attempt my shop /weapon upgrade mock up screens or power through my udk map in the hope i can come up with something quickly in the last 2 weeks

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