Friday 14 May 2010

All PS mock ups done

Had quite a frantic few days spending it entirely in photoshop creating as many mock ups as i could for the screens im not able to use in UIscene (which is quite a shame!)

This is the updated version of the shop screen which i hinted at in my last post, ive changed it read and added some line grains to try and give it a computer screen look, its not as good as id have liked but it works for a prototype. Also as my document now contents shop inventory lists and prices etc it meant i was able to add some additional information to bulk up the shop screen to a more realistic standard.

This one is the main screen

And this is how it would look when you go into one of the sections for a more detailed view.

To accompany these ive created a rough prototype of how the weapon upgrade system would look, its not how i originally drew but i didnt want it to look too cluttered in the end

Looks similar but as its in the same room i thought it would make sense.

First screen showing how it looks when you initially select a weapon which then gives you a selection of upgrades on the right.

and now in this screen an upgrade has been selected, the new stats are shown in green in the upgrade stats box and the upgrade button is now pressable to confirm the changes.

One final screen that needed addressing was the map screen which was another mock up that took hours.

As you can see it incorporates the world map i designed months ago back we i began this. I wanted this to remain as its the screen you interact with in the warehouse aswell. The information is pretty self explanitory, you click on the dots on the map which gives you information and a small iconic shot bottom left. If you have unlocked this level the travel now button lights up which means you can port instantly to the level selected.

Additional things i wont post, ive added chunks of information to the example loading screens aswell as tidied up my document considerable seperating my previously shown weapons into some nice tidy tables! which tooks actually..ages

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