Monday 1 February 2010

Big Ben!

ive been putting it off long enough making my own model, after following numerous tutorials i opted away from using 3ds max, i have no intention of sending myself over the edge being forced into a program i have no intention to ever touch once i leave uni, yet i needed some of my own i ran back to google sketchup! ive got the plugin so i can import .skp files directly into 3ds max so i could attempt to uv fun

Id only really used sketchup a few months ago and frankly i hated it never knew what perspective i was on but i stuck at it this time and with using a photograph to edit/crop/whatever where needed to act as a plain texture i could beef up later using unreals material editor i set to work

its even to scale..well according to the internet its pretty close i presumed this would mean id have a massive model for higher quality as lets face it a 400 polygon mesh compared to something in the thousands in 3ds theres going to be no comparison But at least i can make something in this app!

Shiny, Shiny but now to get it into 3ds max and make a higher quality texture for it. After multiple hours i did figure it out and flatten it and used the automatic mapping tools, it wasnt an ideal layout it gave me but as it was my first time i thought id roll with it.
To cut a long story short, i got the photo in roughly right imported the model with the material into unreal:

First impressions were good i didnt even texture the bits u cant see (underneath ridges, the floor the top etc) and despite it being 400 polygons and missing a lot of the details it didnt look bad, however its tiny and in its current place trying to get the scale right using a char as reference ive had to scale the model up x15! which leaves me with

ive rammed in a lot of lighting round it to make it visible and added to the material to try and give it a stone/plaster effect then realised it looked like something from the 90's and turned the fog back up, not sure which way to go, i could leave it i could play with the material or i could do a much better wrapping and probably double the quality of the texture without using anymore memory but at least ive got my own model in and since its my first one from scratch i dont think it looks that bad!

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