Thursday 25 February 2010

UIScene/Sounds and Post processing effects...shinyyyy

Well i havent had much luck with uiscene as it seems unless your prepared to get into unrealscript....which im not your quite limited on what you can do effects wise, anyway my old concept shot i made ages ago looked utter crap stretched in uiscene to 1920x1200 as the image id made was only 1280x1024 and unreal only imports file to the power of 2 so the best i could do was 1024x1024..end result = crap

i thought maybe i can run it through a vector converter then it wouldnt matter what size it was..but no..its too detailed and it also looks crap as a i thought i might as well just mock up another simple image but make it 2048x2048 so i came up with something of a similar theme:

Well the things you can do with the text in uiscene without code seems to be limited to - opacity/scale/alignment/colour...yeah its no photoshop..or even flash...and if you like fades your in luck..but i dont so this is just a real basic title best i could make in uiscene using the font ive decided to use throughout which needed to be imported....i may need to take this part of the project over to flash /sadface

But moving back over to the map its mostly polish now and adding some details in places theres no real big structures to do in the outdoor area 1 area that was annoying me was near bridge street where it had colapsed into the water..the water was running the wrong way as it was one massive brush, i went into the editor and had a look around and realised this brush was about 90% hidden under my roads/terrain anyway so i went to town and changed all that side around and also shrunk the map a tiny bit as it seemed a little bare, in game you cant really tell its any smaller but i think its about 1/5th or even a quarter smaller now and i think its better off for it.

less text more screenys so now the other side of the park looks like this:

Ahh no more rendering issues with the terrain clashing with the water making it look like the terrain was bobbing up and down, ive got in some broken brick walls reskinned with the floor texture and although its still a bit bare i think its much better off like this it still needs some work but the waters going the right way now and it doesnt look stupid so success!

Onto the main event, post processing effects, i knew roughly what it controlled but i wasnt sure how it would affect my map, you can edit it in world properties but then its hard to toggle on and off so you can compare so instead i just made a massive post processing volume that enclosed my entire map, my map previously looked...well it was a little foggy which i wasnt really aiming for that was more of a draw distance thing so you couldnt see the other side of the water and it also made everything seem a little dusty/blue i wanted a much more darker/gritty/night time realistic looking thing and i knew my map was missing something it looked ok but it didnt really look like i was using UT3 editor so i wanted to darken it up and make the shadows more profound and generally add some atmosphere to it so heres some comparison shots, i only played around with the settings for an hour but im quite pleased with the results

Eye test! which is better on or off






O..ah you get the idea

Much happier with the result

Ah also ive put the sound of rain throughout and some heavier waterfall effects when your near obvious places andd some river effects etc i may have to uploaded a video of it at some point to
prove i do actually have sound and as an edit here it is, its not very good quality and i left fraps numbers on but eh it gets the point across still think it could do with some background music tho

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