Friday 12 February 2010

Subway map

Ah yes i thought it was worth a seperate post, im not sure how big im going to make this due to time constraints but i at least want the actual subway itself made in unreal with my own textures and some models so i started blocking out a section, unreal is really bad at curves id be tempted to make a large curved mesh in sketchup but it would end up with a very low quality texture and id have alignment issues so ill probably just stick with what ive got so heres some shots of my early layout plans:

The entrance going down:

A curved part of the subway from some photos ive been researching, custom textures however i may change the walls to a more white brick instead of these tiles, annoyingly when looking for photos 0f the subway its different at every station so its hard to stick to a reccuring theme

Another shot showing the curve, and probably how bad you can see unreal is at curves

This is just something i was playing around with, possible a door at the end before an obstruction leading into some maintanence corridors with machinery and pipes etc

I have a few thoughts of where i want this map to go, it needs to be small and a lot of my own models need to be in it instead of relying on unreals, id rather only do the actual subway bit but within the story there are numerous ways i could play this level out:

having the char needs to come down for a key or a code, this could be locked in one of the rooms or on a body somewhere

having the char use the subway as a passage to get to another part of london which in an ideal situation id probably do but its too much work for me to make another outdoor area as my last monster isnt complete as of yet

having the char come down here as some data/whatever hes after is in a building thats colapsed, this could lead to a cavern type system which is accessible through the subway and could have lava and such throughout due to the earths plates shifting, however i will not have the time for this and it depends how im actually going to show the story in terms of a matinee/kismet as i dont have buildings modelled in my map which is part of the story so it makes it all a bit tricky!

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