Wednesday 17 February 2010

Back to the main one (oh this will be a big one)


I really do like makes any old crap look good, i was looking at bridge street near big ben, thought it seemed doable and quite landmarkish to add into my map, so i spent all day creating the bridge in a couple of pieces, ive made the pillar and half the support bit seperatly to make wrapping easier/not being as limited with the texture

Made in old sketchup! as usual, unwrapped in 3ds and tidied up, texture made in photoshop and all brought together in unreal

Chup shots!

Couple of Vray renders of these models:

Then when brought into Unreal, this is the bridge you will enter on, still needs correct lighting (story of my life) ill probably make a lamp post to go on top of the pillars but this gives a rough idea how it looks, not quite good the green Exactly how i wanted but in comparison i think its alright.

I couldnt find that damn crest anywhere, so i just found a "London crest" apparently, its obviously very low poly in comparison to the real one, but im no 3d modeller for me to create something fancy with all that decoration it would probably waste a week of my time, but its something else that should remind people of london and something that would probably still be there 100 years in the future, you can also see how the water level rising, its not that ive just made a really short bridge!

what else to report, right the bridge and bench i modelled ive textured and put in game, the bins giving me some stick actually so is the bench but the bins is more visible not sure if it will be alright as it is but this is part of my map that had the unreal bins in now with my bins:

I found some photos of stone benchs in harvard that were all fancy and had CITY OF LONDON carved into the back, so this is where my influence has come from, ive used the same "underground" font and gave it a carved look, the shapes different but then im sure more stone benches will have been made in the next 100 years!

Alright alright alright, its been a while since my maps been updated on the blog despite me spending another 100+ on it...easily so ill spam the hell out of some screenys i took to show some developement in areas

This is another statue, ill make a sign with london downtown redevelopment plans, the idea is this part of london was left a little behind in the past, due to the old technology being situated, the river levels rising etc, so other areas are more advanced and this is just another hologram type model thats meant to show how this part of london will eventually become - much more futuristic , this area still needs some decoration however!

Nothing too special here, round the corner in another quite bare area which i hvent got round to doing however ive put in some correct lighting to set the tone of another building that would be enterable if id the time, still needs a sign tho.

These 2 are round the corner from the previous shot, the other side of the building, have some decoration here, a wooden plank in the distance being used by bandits to navigate over the roof tops, some ladders on the buildings, some collapsed structures and another possible room/building on the left.

Also got some stone models you can see on the left here, this building would be from an older period so still has these features.

My first building everrr, brought into the future with some custom..well an emissive material..but i made it! makes it look a little more futuristic regardless, also got final lighting in for the majority of these screens, i gave up on what i had in mind as i dont think its possible with the size of my map so now im just focusing on getting the mood right and i spent a while constantly rebuilding the light, so this is pretty final.

Probably put something on that wall at some point, its still a little empty i dont want to keep spamming the rubbish meshes onto the ground but..

Subway entrance pretty much finished, i added a sign with the tube map but changed, well that was in an earlier blog post, the material ive made has a slow moving beam moving over it as its meant to be like an electronic panel/screen also changed the background to a more futuristic structure

Big Ben!, in his "correct" place, yeah alright it would probably be falling apart but i dont have the time to make a fully physics based destoryed/destroyable structure, from looking at it i think i might have made the material emissive but regardless, as you can see ive had to jump on the water for the first 2 shots so u can see the barrier of rubble that the tower is stuck on and all the water emitters etc instead of it just..stood there, the 3rd shot just shows how u would see it somewhere your actually able to stand

Quick overview of the main street, removed the old paths, widened the road, added small hedge/flower beds in the centre, was considering putting stone status on each of these islands, will see how the mood takes me but this street has more life now, lighting is pretty much final as far as im concerned.

Changed the lights on the row of shops/hotel also extended round the sides and added some balconys, gives the building a bit more depth

Jazzed the seedy back alley bar up a little, doesnt matter the towns flooding, theres always a bar with people who dont really care and will stay and drink regardless, even if itsjust bandits - this would probably be the first port of call in the real game.

Ive cut that bridge crash..thingy off now so you cant see it all boarded it in with more rubble probably have another small camp here in this area

Couple of shots of the apartment in, with possibly correct lighting and water flowing over the edges, still may put some sort of sign down the middle here but thats easy enough.

Finally! the end of bridge street sort of..collapses into the water here dunno how im gonna manage it to look alright but u can see the grounds falling apart and people have put up sand bags to slow it down, this is as i said where u will begin on the map

This is just where the sand bags end and there will be a small group of npcs here i would imagine, these would be "friendly" ish to you people who have been thrown out the apartment block and will give you the first mission

and thats that!

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