Friday 12 March 2010

Another enviroment concept

Okkk i hope i have enough to have a crack at this in cryengine, ive read some tutorials and got Very basics understood but i havent gone much further than that, i would like to be a level designer so i find doing all this a little pointless so any excuse at making something in an editor sounds alright to me, and it cant make my mark worse at least

Anyway my next one is Central African Republic:

If theres 3 things i cant draw (worse than anything else) its people rocks and trees...well this one hits 2/3 so its not great but its kind of how i imagined, you may look at this and think this looks nothing like africa but i did do my research!

Not THAT much different...water and lots of reeds with some hilly terrain in the background it also as you see screams to be made in crysis !

My mountains are a little more extreme due to the tectonic plates shifting although the rest of the continent isnt too affected or not in these less crowded areas at least.

Anyway so why do we go to the middle of a forest looking place to repair internets...well good question, but you dont i thought africa by this point would probably get most of their internet via satellite as a place that big without lines already laid in a lot of the countries would just be too much hassle to start so 1 device in the sky all taken care of!

But ofcouse..the fog in the sky has screwed that up, no reception nothing so you and other members of the mercury corporation are sent to different parts of Africa to deploy devices similar to wifi towers only much smaller and powerful which i havent named them yet, providing they are in a good placement the signal will be strong enough to reach each other and cause a mesh covering majority of the continent.

So you come here and have to scan around with your pda finding the best location to place the tower and away you go

6 enviroments to go!

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