Thursday 11 March 2010

Locations Finalized

I really underestimated this document ive got all these ideas floating round in my head about how Tephra really would be if it was a proper game but what im actually submitting is just a couple of empty maps, they are nice showcase pieces as it shows some of my custom assets which although i never wanted to make they do make it stand out instead of just being a ut3 map

however as for the document im still thinking over the plot and how to get it down in words aswell as the mechanics i wanted to add without missing anything out

anyway after spending ages on planning and researching and working out ive been able to come up with a list of enviroments where you would actually be going:

Enviroment 1 - London (UK)
Enviroment 2 - Munich (Germany)
Enviroment 3 - Central African Republic (Africa)
Enviroment 4 - Moscow (Russia)
Enviroment 5 - Navi Mumbai (India)
Enviroment 6 - Tokyo (Japan)
Enviroment 7 - Melbourne (Australia)
Enviroment 8 - Unknown Town(Antarctica)
Enviroment 9 - Brazil (South America)
Enviroment 10 - Denver (North America)

All of the above have been decided by the previous research of where internet backbones currently are and under the idea that they would still exist in the future although redundant these places are 1 of the main core spots in each backbone so now the player actually has a reason to go here.

While im trying to get all this into a structure and putting my maps aside for a couple of weeks im also working on concept art for things so the next bit ill be focusing on is the PDA system which will be holding all your information in game so ill need some more designs for that, but you will have to wait for that post!

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