Saturday 20 March 2010

Bit of UT work!

I got bored of paperwork...again so i decided to go back to my London map, my warehouse/hub is pretty much finished apart from any npcs/triggers i may add later on but my main area is still empty and unlit in a few places, i also had some issues to fix and possibly make some more models.

Previously the water just..hit the floor and it looked stupid, the alternative was to have a layer of water covering the entire map but it lost a lot of detail so instead ive tried to make it look like the f loors give way under the constant weight of the water, i find it quite limited with the available meshes and wasnt prepared to spend any time making my own so ive tried to use some broken pieces of concrete and lots of rubble, with a blocking volume you cant really see the gap and i think it looks fairly real.

Ive also tried to go round some of the darker areas and add more lights, i could just up the skylight but then it would lose the atmosphere so im trying to make the place rely on the lights that are working around the place so this building was pretty much pitch black before now you can see it anyway

Im not totally happy with this next area yet but ive started to add more lights, under the cinema doorway, the blue generators on the right and the door for the warehouse here now has some lighting

In this shot ive added some lighting to the warehouse bays which i still may adjust its a little bright i think, also an abandoned storage container has been added which could have a possible npc or an item inside, either way it makes the place a little less bare

I think thats about it for now, these fixes and small adjustments have taken me a day or 2 and im still not totally happy with the settings but they are getting closer to what i want and if i run out of time at least i have something

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